LinkedIn Organic in 6 Lessons
1. Change your "Connect" button to the "Follow" button. Go to your privacy settings (see the dropdown under "Me" then "Settings & Privacy"), click "Visibility" on the left panel, then "Visibility of your LinkedIn activity." Then click "Followers." You'll see the "Make follow primary" button. Switch it on. Getting people to "follow" you is important than connecting with you. 2. Bio Header and About section. In your bio-header, add your social proof. In your about section, add how you add value. That's all
3. Sub-divide your target audience and connect with them in clusters. Example: Segment as deep as possible. And then connect with, say, all CIOs in New England area. Then move on to all CMOs in New England. Done with New England, move to another city. Do not include any message in your connection request. Focus on getting people to follow you (when they connect, by default they follow you and you follow them).
4. Commenting. Focus on getting comments, and not just liking or sharing. Comment to influencers' posts. Comment on 2-3 influencer posts per day. When someone comments back to your content, encourage even more engagement via questions. Invite people from your network to comment.
5. Posting. Start with an intrigue/hook, add some context, end with a resource (some document) or a zing (something to think about). Follow the same pattern for 3 types of posts - text only, resources posts, and Stories. Keep paragraphs 2-sentences long only. Ask for comments, invite comments. Don't include external links; provide a summary and then include the link.
6. Getting email and getting them off LinkedIn [for sales folks]. Engage first for a month. Then DM to share a resource via email. OR share part of the content - establish the value of that content, ask to register on a landing page to get the rest of the content. Get the email, put it through a drip campaign, push towards sales.
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