Examples: Offer + Landing Pages

A quick example of sharing a content offer with prospects, related email campaign and landing pages.

Segment PDF Guide

Offer Email:

  • From: <some name@e.segment.com> : Sub-domain e.segment.com

  • Display Name: "Someone at Segment"

  • Subject: The Definitive Guide to Customer Data Platforms

I did not read the email content; found title interesting and straight-away followed to download the guide. Perhaps, this is what happens with the most of your prospects.

Landing Page:

Tracking URL:

https://learn.segment.com/cdp-definitive-guide/?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=definitive-guide-cdp&utm_content =styled&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWVRZNE5qRTJPREZqTW1SaiIsInQiOiJob1hCUk92MGk1Mm1HcFU0cEFXOHdSTUJ4aElnZ1dvZ0FLNWZ2a1wvN1ptXC9XNWV5VGx4N3FTVGZ1bndVcUtoQTU1MDc1TE1aVGx3XC9YakVXcjExQk5vXC91T3VlZEkwYkV5dmZCeGg5VVljVlA2OEVOYW5DenpENVRBZnhCYnpqTk8ifQ%3D%3D

Note: The landing page...

  • asks only the email.

  • asks it again despite the user arriving at this page after clicking on the link via email.

Link to actual landing page:

Again an email is sent with a link to download the book and a pitch to book a demo call.

Actual PDF book:

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